Kino Aurora: Visiting the Dead – movie screening and discussion

Ikäraja: S
Kesto: 2h 0min
Lajityyppi: documentary, discussion panel
Valmistumisvuosi: 2023
Ohjaaja: Elias Halabi
Kieli: Arabia
Tekstitys: Englanti

This screening and the discussion are conducted in English.
Huom! Elokuva ja sitä seuraava keskustelu ovat englanninkielisiä.

Visiting the Dead
Elias Halabi | 2023 | 35min | Language: Arabic/English with English subtitles

The documentary by Elias Halabi follows Palestinian landowner’s claims for land under the settler colonial regime, particularly the process of accessing and cultivating lands confiscated for Israeli settlements in the West Bank. It focuses on Palestinian landowners’ annual visits to their lands, now located behind the separation wall near Jabal Abu Ghneim (nowadays also known as the Har Homa settlement near Bethlehem). The document touches on several themes related to contemporary colonisation processes, ecological degradation, the slow erasure of native connection to the land, and the politics of future-making in Palestine by looking at them from the perspective of everyday embodiments. The documentary was conducted as part of the research material collection of the Academy of Finland-funded project ‘Present-futures in/of Palestine’ (2019-2023). The screening is accompanied by an introduction, commentaries from panellists, and open discussion on the topic.

The event is free of charge, but you may reserve a seat through this site.

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