Jyväskylä Dance festival: re-make Tight
Re-make is a choreographic puzzle that foregrounds the performers’ societal senses and senselessness. At once a multi- directional and resonant clothesline, representations of society and an invisible presence invite the performers as well as spectators to reflect on the problem of being here.
Are young adults taken seriously enough in our society? Do today’s youth have enough time to grow and develop? Is society demanding hasty decisions on careers, for example?
This ritual work creates events as the associative and experiential body-mind strives as close to itself as possible. The composition tries to settle between the lines to release the echo, which reveals the illogical and logical energy of being here in the world.
TIGHT was premiered in helsinki in 2017 by professional dancers: Arttu Palmio, Marika Peura, Guillermo Sarduy ja Katri Soini
Tight re-make dancers are Elina Huhtanen, Eveliina Liimatainen, Kaisla Lehtonen ja Milla Hakkarainen.
Production Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Cirko – Center for New Circus, Joona Halonen