Villa Rana Walks: Yrjö Blomstedt

kuvakollaasi Cygnaeus, Lönn, Blomstedt, Aalto

Villa Rana Walks are guided tours led by artists, departing from the Cultural Center Villa Rana (Seminaarinkatu 13, Jyväskylä). Three different walks explore the lives, times, and works of Wivi Lönn, Uno Cygnaeus, and Yrjö Blomstedt, who all had significant impacts on Jyväskylä’s Seminaarinmäki area. The walk following in the footsteps of Uno Cygnaeus is brand new and designed for the whole family. The walking tours will be held in August 2024 according to the schedule below.

The duration of each walk is approximately 45-70 minutes, and the tours are conducted in Finnish. We recommend that participants with mobility or visual impairments bring an assistant, as the routes are accessible for wheelchair users with assistance. The assistant’s participation is free of charge. The tours will not take place in heavy rain, but as the tours are entirely outdoors, dressing appropriately for the weather is recommended. If a tour is canceled, this will be announced on Villa Rana’s website and social media channels at least one hour before the start of the walk.

Tickets are now available for €12 / €8. Advance ticket sales close one hour before the event. After that, those wishing to join are requested to come to Villa Rana to inquire about available spots.

For group rates, either for scheduled tours or to arrange a tour at your convenience, please contact


– Wed 14.8.2024 at 17:00 Yrjö Blomstedt. Guided by dancer Laura Suonperä
– Sat 17.8.2024 at 14:00 Yrjö Blomstedt. Guided by dancer Laura Suonperä
– Wed 21.8.2024 at 17:00 Wivi Lönn. Guided by actress Kirsi Sulonen
– Sat 24.8.2024 at 14:00 Wivi Lönn. Guided by actress Kirsi Sulonen
– Sat 31.8.2024 at 14:00 Uno Cygnaeus – Family Walk. Guided by actor Aaro Vuotila
– Sat 7.9.2024 at 14:00 Uno Cygnaeus – Family Walk. Guided by actor Aaro Vuotila

Organizer: Jyväskylän kulttuuritalon tukiyhdistys ry
The development of the cultural walks has been supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Finnish Cultural Foundation.